July 29, 2010

Chasing the clouds away

Here are the all-time highlights, my top ten Last Call! Shot and Chasers, as determined by the relative intensity with which I laugh at my own jokes.


"Obama mum on Spitzer, likes eggs 'scrambled hard'" ("The Swamp," 3/11/08).


"I have a way of dealing with that" -- "Kristen" (New York Times, 3/11/08).


"Recent history has made clear that no disagreement can diminish the deep ties between our nations" -- Pres. Bush, applauding French Pres. Nicolas Sarkozy "for pledging to send more troops to Afghanistan" (AFP, 6/13/08).


"You are my junk. More deadly than Afghan heroin. ... My guy, I roll him up and smoke him" -- pop star/model/French First Lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy, singing her husband's praises ("Washington Whispers," 6/13/08).

SHOT ...

Obama apparently didn't "really" want the heart-shaped potato he recently got as a gift on "The Late Show," returning it this week via "registered-mail" ("Prime Buzz," 10/16/09).


"Fourth Grader Asks Obama: 'Why Do People Hate You?'" (CBSNews.com, 10/15/09).

SHOT ...

Sasha and Malia Obama reportedly "love to practice piano, which is rare, because most kids hate to practice" (New York Post,, 12/11/09).


"Local girl on 'Little Miss Perfect'" (Oak Ridger, 12/7/09).

SHOT ...

"God, I really believe, has placed me here for a reason" -- Michael Steele, on his job ("The Brody File" 1/8/10).


"Now knock it off!" -- God ("Monty Python and the Holy Grail," 1975).

SHOT ...

"You go through the gate. If the gate's closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we'll [pole] vault in. If that doesn't work, we'll parachute in" -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi, on passing health care ("The Plum Line," 1/28/10).


"If you go parachuting, and your parachute doesn't open, and your friends are all watching you fall, I think a funny gag would be to pretend you were swimming" -- "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey ("SNL").

SHOT ...

"I want to find out what your thinking was, I want to find out what your feelings are, and did you learn anything" -- the disturbing yet effective Tiger Woods ad from Nike (4/7/10).


"Is he what he tells us? Or is he what he's become over the years? ... A wolf in sheep's clothing" -- Fiorina's hilarious yet effective "Demon Sheep" ad (2/4/10).

SHOT ...

"Could U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd wind up in the president's office at UConn?" ("Capitol Watch," 5/12/10).


"Christina, any time we land somewhere on a plane, says, 'We in Iowa?'" -- wife Jackie, on moving her family to IA for Dodd's '08 WH bid (Des Moines Register, 11/29/07).

SHOT ...

Sharron Angle's first TV ad uses "somber music and stark images of people in unemployment lines" to hit Reid on jobs (Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/8/10).


"And then, how about Sarah McLachlan?" -- Obama, thanking the entertainment at his fundraiser for Reid last night (pool report, 7/8/10).

SHOT ...

"He texted me: 'I miss you. I love you. I want to be with you again'" -- Bristol Palin, on getting back together with Levi Johnston (US Weekly, 7/14/10).


"on toilet. in drag. drinking coffee vodka. I regret nothing" -- "Texts from Last Night" (7/13/10).

More honorable mentions after the jump.


Before there was Paul the Octopus, there was Henry the Hexapus

A sampling of the most delightfully random headlines I've collected over the past few years:

"Quadriplegic NJ man gets right to bear arms"

"Holocaust float banned by Rio judge"

"Dems celebrate at fairgrounds; GOP mourns at Applebee's"

"World's first hexapus found in lobster pot"

"Accused Man Says His Cat Downloaded The Child Porn"

"Emotionally fragile Chihuahua loose in Norman"

"Captain Kirk, Chester Moistmuffins among voters' write-in choices"

"Elmo performer really gets inside her character"

"States consider protection from puppy 'lemons'"

"Vegetable garden offers cheap thrills"

"Church prays for guilt and disease upon baby Jesus thief"

"Peruvians offer Obama children bald, toothless dog"

"Alaska Senate gives marmots their day"

"Rehberg takes input in Butte on Tester forest plan"

"Encounter with leprosy teaches valuable lessons"

"'Best Santa ever' is arrested in N.J. on child sex charges"

"Dead man's dog euthanized to go with him to grave"

"Squid makes science class 'awesome,' smelly"

"Actor joins hunt for whoever glued cat to road"

"One-Flippered Manatee Set Free"

"8-year-old mentioned in Obama's speech wishes president had said his name"

"Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do'"

"Taller bridge sees rise in suicides"

"Just being in Vegas raises risk of suicide, study finds"

"Rape suspect 'best guy I ever dated'"

And, of course, the most twisted headline of all:

"Hello, America, My Name Is Rielle Hunter"