Because crazy cat ladies vote, too
Direct from the Senate district that spawned me, check out this ad from Robert Lorge, the Republican challenging -- and, according to the latest poll, only trailing by a piddling 55 points and pulling in a formidable 14 percent of likely voters -- incumbent Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.).
But this pearl of political persuasion is sure to turn that race around. Or just haunt my sleep-deprived psyche for weeks.
It starts out cheesy but innocuously enough, but watch out. Dear god, watch out. Seriously, W-T-F-ing-F is this:

Who's doing his media consulting, here, John "Just Stop It, I'm Begging You" Kerry? That poor cat looks like the product of some kind of radiation-infused, gene-splicing free-for-all with a Spongmonkey, Cy the Cyclops kitten, Gizmo from "Gremlins" and the creepy old pedophile who used to live at the end of everyone's street.
If you've got that malformed specimen of felinity firing canned political barbs at incumbent senators from your kitchen counter while you sit around in your geezer coffee clutch as if nothing were out of the ordinary, shaving a few bucks off your already entitlement-inflated prescription tab should not be your primary worry.
And I think I speak for everyone in your district when I say I wouldn't particularly fancy sharing a representative with you, either.
Though that cat is slightly more cuddly than a visit from Dick "Son of a Bitch" Cheney, just imagine the better uses to which the money and manpower that's gone into Lorge's campaign could have been put.
But, then again, you've got to give the man points for trying -- rare and lucky are races that don't have to concoct their own comedy.
But this pearl of political persuasion is sure to turn that race around. Or just haunt my sleep-deprived psyche for weeks.
It starts out cheesy but innocuously enough, but watch out. Dear god, watch out. Seriously, W-T-F-ing-F is this:

Who's doing his media consulting, here, John "Just Stop It, I'm Begging You" Kerry? That poor cat looks like the product of some kind of radiation-infused, gene-splicing free-for-all with a Spongmonkey, Cy the Cyclops kitten, Gizmo from "Gremlins" and the creepy old pedophile who used to live at the end of everyone's street.
If you've got that malformed specimen of felinity firing canned political barbs at incumbent senators from your kitchen counter while you sit around in your geezer coffee clutch as if nothing were out of the ordinary, shaving a few bucks off your already entitlement-inflated prescription tab should not be your primary worry.
And I think I speak for everyone in your district when I say I wouldn't particularly fancy sharing a representative with you, either.
Though that cat is slightly more cuddly than a visit from Dick "Son of a Bitch" Cheney, just imagine the better uses to which the money and manpower that's gone into Lorge's campaign could have been put.
But, then again, you've got to give the man points for trying -- rare and lucky are races that don't have to concoct their own comedy.
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