Hillary: the codger and Luddite candidate
For any fellow "young people" who still hold delusions about supporting Hillary Clinton in anything, you should be aware she recently used a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to fish for the "traditional values" vote by saying we're all lazy, we think we're entitled to high pay without putting in our share of work and, who could forget, we're ruining the American culture of our venerable elders with our blasted technologies of instant gratification.
Because we all know Baby Boomers in Hillary's cohort never act "entitled," to Social Security (paid for by all those young slackers) or pricey (if corrupting) electronics or SUVs (with DVD players inside) or expensive homes or real families or automatic respect and five-star service everywhere they tread for merely having money and not being dead yet.
Of course, she soon publicly apologized when her 26-year-old, six-figure salary-earning daughter called her on it, then released her utterly common and roundly inoffensive iPod playlist to the media to try and look all hip (come on, "Beautiful Day" by U2? Lame.). This from the woman who still talks about the dangers of violent video games and calls for better equipping parents, and everyone else, to control what children see online, what they listen to and who they communicate with (known outside of political rhetoric as "censorship").
Indeed, Hillary, way to trash the only age bracket that perhaps doesn't actively hate you, if only because so many of its members don't read the news and know you make more pandering flip-flops in a week than John Kerry and a Flying Wallenda combined make in a year. And because they like your husband.
But though many may question his character, Bubba would never disrespect us like that. Uh-uh.
Because we all know Baby Boomers in Hillary's cohort never act "entitled," to Social Security (paid for by all those young slackers) or pricey (if corrupting) electronics or SUVs (with DVD players inside) or expensive homes or real families or automatic respect and five-star service everywhere they tread for merely having money and not being dead yet.
Of course, she soon publicly apologized when her 26-year-old, six-figure salary-earning daughter called her on it, then released her utterly common and roundly inoffensive iPod playlist to the media to try and look all hip (come on, "Beautiful Day" by U2? Lame.). This from the woman who still talks about the dangers of violent video games and calls for better equipping parents, and everyone else, to control what children see online, what they listen to and who they communicate with (known outside of political rhetoric as "censorship").
Indeed, Hillary, way to trash the only age bracket that perhaps doesn't actively hate you, if only because so many of its members don't read the news and know you make more pandering flip-flops in a week than John Kerry and a Flying Wallenda combined make in a year. And because they like your husband.
But though many may question his character, Bubba would never disrespect us like that. Uh-uh.
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