November 11, 2005

Stirring speech

Well, I think I've changed my mind about President Bush. Seeing that shot of him standing in front of his wittle awmy twuck vowing not to leave Iraq before attaining "complete victory" just made me so proud to be an American. What a way to honor Veterans' Day, Mr. President, playing hypocritical politics to try and conjure public support for your bullshit war by painting your critics as unpatriotic. You even passed off the wreath-laying at the tomb of the unknown to, as my grandmother would say, "that fat grub Dick Cheney" so you could spout from your righteous soapbox. And it's good to know the same strategic rationale that helped give us 58,000 dead, several times that scarred Vietnam veterans to remember today is still kicking. But I suppose, we have to have fresh source material for Veterans' Days to come.